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Ladyy last won the day on January 15 2022

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  1. I know it sounds crazy. I am not making light of a topic that is very grim. I am sincere. It is already a scary enough world. I worry too much, you worry too much we all worry like grandmothers. Don't get me wrong, Grandmas are the best of all the people. However, I am not even close to being one yet. Anyway- to keep us all from becoming eternally cranky I have put together a list of 5 reasons that crypto gambling is the best thing to do while locked up and self quarantined for the stupid virus that took over the world. Gambling is better than COVID-19 because 1. Gambling online requires no physical touch- at all. No germs transferring from players, no spread of that nasty virus. 2. The money is clean. No I do not mean laundered. I mean clean. Cash in hand is gross, dirty, scummy paper that has been every where from a strippers cleavage to a lumberjacks smelly socks. Cash is the dirtiest item on the planet. Not Cryptocurrency! Crypto is electronically transfered so there will never be germs in your money when you send it on a blockchain. 3. Banks close. Blockchains don't. BC Game will always be open for new business. We won't turn you away. BC is open. Online is the only way. 4. Banks take money from you to borrow it from you then charge you a fee for the loan you just gave the bank. Messed up reality, right? Gambling crypto at least means you have a choice. 5. Crypto is border-less. Send money anywhere in the world way cheaper than if you choose to wire it the old fashioned way. Crypto is faster technology and it is controlled by the network of users. Clearly cryptocurrency is a great way to send money and to spend it. it is much better for people who are sick of unfair rates to send money to people in far away places. So place your bets, and play safe at home. Good boys and girls. xoxo
  2. Two things. 1. Please allow tips to be made privately. This is a deterrent for many big players. 2. If players are willing to pay a certain fee maybe we should be allowed to create our own private chat rooms. With maybe 30 people limit something like that. I think the only thing missing from all the casinos is an option like this . It would make it much more fun if we could have a seperate room for friends with invites only. I know it is complicated hence the fee. People could all pitch in on the room fee if they wanted to pool funds to make a room or something.
  3. Here is one of the places the syndicated report can be seen: https://www.economywatch.com/news/bc.game-launched-vip-membership-program-plus-a-daily-prize-wheel-for-all-players
  4. Wow so you got in the top of the rollercoaster you too! wow big crash prob hurt to witness since you came in at the high price
  5. When I first learned about Bitcoin it was worth $412.00 What was the value of bitcoin when you first used it or learned of it?
  6. Blockchain Resistance Is Ironic Here is why. As Blockchain technology entered our lives the world resisted strongly, and its a fascinating phenomenon to ponder. The things that make blockchain technology great are numerous. Blockchain could be applied to how we evolve - as a species, and theoretically could help in optimizing the very process of evolution itself. This could be extremely beneficial- stop rolling your eyes. After all isn’t it a wee bit tedious to wait thousands of years for our species to create new features that help us survive more efficiently? If we could shrink the waiting time between evolutionary genetic upgrades… we could improve and become better humans, more rapidly. This is far fetched, you might say. Sure- it is. It’s comically bold to say that blockchain could improve our process of evolution so much that we could grow our future features sooner. Laugh if you want, but while you laugh, let’s wander through the reasoning of this philosophical “maybe”. Human kind is a funny species. Hunan kind is a quirky animal. We get stuck in patterns. We get transfixed on the results we have already experienced and we prepare for our future as if the things that happened before will repeat. We are so transfixed on the assumption that history will repeat itself that we develop instincts based on the lessons learned from our ancestors. Lessons learned this way are extremely important sometimes. The reflex to recoil from a flame is a great example of a lesson learned by assuming the result will burn our skin, just like last time. This is a protection we automatically have. Our hand feels heat too strong and we recoil fast, to avoid the pain we previously felt when we touched fire. Safety and security may be the motivator behind our tendency as a species to avoid new things. Changes in our routines are met with resistance at all levels of life from the intricacies of our molecular makeup, to the limit of our atmosphere on Earth. Not all resistance is productive or useful though. Surely our reaction to a flame will prevent great pain. There are times when the instinct to avoid change is less about safety and more about habits. Most often we experience the resistance based on habits when a child stomps his feet in protest to his toy being taken away or when coworkers mutter in disapproval of new office policies, during a work meeting. It is natural that change evokes some discomfort. We are genetically programmed this way to keep our species thriving. How would humanity have risen to the top of the food chain if we accepted things as they were before our ancestors decided it was time to use two feet instead of four to stand upright? This great change - from traveling on all fours to walking on two feet allowed humans to multitask like never before. With hands as tools we could really start evolving faster. What if mankind stopped there before ever inventing the wheel? Where would we be? To be continued. . .
  7. Bitcoin Price surges upward February 9th 2020 Check out the rise ! Bull run coming through. Hodl time?
  8. I don't have a gamble problem, I just gamble alot. With too much money. So what if I want to sell my own kidneys on the dark web, All in always wins right?
  9. been there. omfg nothin worse than needing a smoke because you just lost your smoke money. Lol been there.
  10. thats grade a hoo hoo talk lol. Now gimme some real ones * come on now
  11. @Big_Earny @ForuMadmin @Cocosis @MARY.BC.GAME @lilley1323 @Ph@tom @BRUCEYB @VonH @Jeff Husch Who else. Tag your friends who would add some funny, honey.
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a fun game. All you have to do is make your own end to the sentence. I will start with a few examples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You know you're a crypto gambler when you see the word "bust" more than 10 times a day. You know you're a crypto gambler when you spam Coco (a legendary crocodile) in telegram, pm messages and any other theyou can find to "NOT beg". You know you're a crypto gambler when you think Satoshi Nakamoto is a high roller secretly playing at BC.game Your know you're a crypto gambler if you know have been muted for any length of time by a chat mod at BC.Game Your know you're a crypto gambler if you know the term "Provably Fair" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~YOUR TURN! ~~~~~~~~ You know you're a crypto gambler when _________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. His name should be Craig Wrong (instead of right)
  14. Hello everyone! We need another section within the BC GAME forum for GENERAL DISCUSSION / MISCELLANEOUS. I have made the request and it almost was met, but here I now request it again. I also want a section at the top of the home page that displays not only the popular posts of the time but the NEW POSTS. I cannot see what people are posting most of the time. Coco, Coco Sis and Devs ... give me this wish and I will be endlessly contributing, I promise. Anyone agree? Say So. xo xo xo Much love. Thank you. I wish for a General Discussion/ Miscellaneous Area a feed to be obvious on the home page with new posts. a million dollars an endless supply of snacks a membership in the red legion once and for all. I know 2 things on this list are in Cocos control.
  15. Everyone has a theory about Satoshi Nakamoto. In case you are not aware- Satoshi Nakamoto is ( or was ) a pseudonym for the person or group that invented Bitcoin and the beloved technology that was invented with it- Blockchain technology. Satoshi spoke his last words (that anyone anywhere is aware of) which were a simple warning that basically said he had decided to "lay low" after being approached by some authority. He truly vanished - and nobody has seen him since. AND his known bitcoin wallet balance has never once changed at all since the day he said goodbye. Did he get murdered? Did he sail into the sunset with a huge, unknown stash of Bitcoin to play with for the rest of his secret days? Or maybe he just is laughing at us all from his moms basement somewhere. It is an unsettling mystery for many people in the crypto community. I still think maybe he is an active participant in other projects- and never reveals his biggest accomplishment ( which would be bitcoin). Maybe Coco is really Satoshi Naka-Coco Tell me what you think happened to the person/entity known only as Satoshi Nakamoto, and what do you think was the reason he chose to stay hidden from view? @FoRum_Ass_ter @Cocosis @C0C0
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