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Ive beem seeing major negative reviews on BC.Game lately and feel like id like to tell my story about this site.


I dont think they are a scam site and this is why...

I finished uni back in 2011 and since then ive not been able to pay off all my student loans etc.but after 2 months with BC. GAME Ive paied them in full, bought myself brand new furniture and a certain amount on the brand mew vehicle I own.


Surelly this luck will end soon and i might regret writing this but for now i am thankfull for BC.Games for giving me the opportunity to actually enjoy the life I have not been able to. 

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  On 9/28/2021 at 7:17 PM, chro999 said:

and all the rest of us with same hopes and dreams get robed and discuraged its almost like miningbase that has have 2000 + suicide worldwide becuse they scamed people out of everythin 



You forgetting, it's a casino. If there are suicides, then they are only killing themselves because THEY lost their money GAMBLING. It's a person's choice to play footsie with fate. Maybe we should blame the rope manufacturer for making such a great quality self-hanging rope? Understand that they can't all be zingers and look with a good happy heart upon those who are lucky to hit a zinger.

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miningbase was a bitcoin scam not a casino it promised to mine bitcoin at a good rate not gamble and the game has a vault that pays intrest at a good rate but it seems not so everyday as i exsplore the app i find more problems bc time to give me a job your app is way to obvious in the way you scaming people 


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@chro999, im not saying they are scammers at all - i have however moticed that playing with the same strategy each time could either be very beneficial or cause quick busts depending on the time of day I play.


In all fairness, its a casino meaning thats its always a gamble! 

People need to start playing smarter i believe and never gamble hard earnings away whilst know when to walk away for a bit (whether when winning enough or busting to much) 


And although the past week has been rather dissapionting i can say that overal BC has been very good to me! 

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  On 9/29/2021 at 8:12 PM, chro999 said:

miningbase was a bitcoin scam not a casino it promised to mine bitcoin at a good rate not gamble and the game has a vault that pays intrest at a good rate but it seems not so everyday as i exsplore the app i find more problems bc time to give me a job your app is way to obvious in the way you scaming people 



Comparing apples to oranges, buddy. The cryptocurrency spectrum of activities in the web are replete with scams. You got your hoodwinkers, your sidewinders, your fast-talkers, your indian-givers, you got snake-oil salesmen, car-washers, blackmailers, wnitemailers, catfishers, trap-door-shemales, hitmen, gun dealers, drug dealers, the list goes on. But these people exist in every corner of the markets. Crypto only seems more saturated because of it's nativity to the internet.

The internet has blessed us all by making us more aware of just how much crime is out there. I dare say, every organization that is in business today, is---to some degree or another---at least part criminal enterprise. You can be certain of this. The only thing you can't be certain of, is to what degree.

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